Here’s what I know to be true about Quantum Transformation…

Sep 21, 2023


It’s a body based way of being in the world.

A way of living.

Of being in your body.

This may sound corn-yy..but living as new every single moment.

I attribute so much of my expansion to the way I live in my edges every single day.

Creating deep intimate relationships with the edges of my body & psyche.

So I can be in high pressure. High creation. High sensation.

And really relax into it.

When we take a holistic approach, & work with all domains of health, we’re supporting our cells at every level to regenerate new LIFE.

Transformation becomes quantum..

Because the whole self gets on board with the uplevel.

Basically what I’m saying is -

*the more you play in your body, the more you create & manifest in the world*

Life becomes a game of creation.

More play = more freedom = more money

May we all know our body’s at this level

P.S. IN THE FLESH Mystery School - my 7 mo Facilitator Training - you’ll learn the hands on / hands in somatic bodywork to...

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I’ve been reflecting a lot on how I ended up here…

Sep 20, 2023


Celebrated my 32nd bday a couple weeks ago

I’m running multi 6 fig soul aligned biz’s, own my dream mountain retreat home @venusvalleyboulder, run an otherworldly Somatic Sex Mystery School liberating women in their bodies & am quite frankly,

delightfully shocked at my own magical creations

As I sit here & try to think of the ONE thing I could go back & tell 2018 year old me to make ALL the difference…

It wouldn’t be words

I’d just sit with myself in the same way I sit with others, today.

I’d be the love I know myself to be, today.

I’d transmit safety from this body, today.

All while ‘o, I love you’ by @essiejainmusic plays in the background & I hold our hearts as one

Seeing as that’s what I’d do for myself makes me well up even more…

Because of my embodiment & the work of my life.

My work of living this life full out.
Taking big fucking risks.
Loving so damn hard.

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Out of the t!t matrix

Sep 19, 2023


In this episode Julianne shares her personal breast explant journey and provides her listeners with a deeper understanding of why she decided to do the surgery. Join her as she explores her profound physical and emotional transformations, self-discovery, and healing that arose from this transformative experience. Her story serves as an inspiring reminder that our bodies and choices are deeply intertwined with our pursuit of authenticity and pleasure.

Key Topics:
Embodying Truth
The Healing Alchemy
Freedom Through Authenticity


5:26 Post-explant experiences

6:04 Breast implants and body image

10:41 The type of men attracted

16:39 Intimidation and body image

19:33 Energetic impact of breast implants

23:06 Anger and self-reflection

30:07 Trauma lives in the body

30:46 Body posture and muscle tension

34:25 Implants and body transformation

38:40 Intimacy and self-discovery


“When I finally made the choice, I remember saying to somebody,...

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The three phases I lead my clients through for their biggest baddest results

Sep 18, 2023

WATCH HERE can lead yourself through this, too!

These 3 phases

are executed in *every* domain & area of their lives

…whether it’s improving digestion, calling in a partner, or manifesting big wealth.

Assess: Detoxification / Excavation
This is about taking inventory & clearing, cleaning out the old.
What’s been your relationship to x? What have you believed about x?

Define: What’s here now?
(This is about locating them in this now moment & getting really clear on what’s showing up + what’s being asked of them.)
What’s your current relationship to x? What do you believe about x?

Create: Desires / Manifestation
This is when it really starts to get fun! This is the creational phase, full of magic & possibility.
What do you want your relationship to x to be like? Feel like? What you do you need to believe about x for this to be true?

I’ve found this to create the most life changing results, with lasting impact.

Drop me a...

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You're not slow...everyone else is just moving fast

Sep 17, 2023


Permission to move at your own pace.
Permission to hermit if that’s what feels right.
Permission to go so slow you feel every nook & cranny.

I promise, no one will forget you.

You won’t be left behind..

After all, you’re the star of the show

How are you honoring your body’s natural rhythms this weekend? Would love to hear

#slowmedicine #slowmedicinerevolution #slowmotion #slowmo #righttiming #rightlocation #rightpeople #slowness #slowhealing #slowisfast #embodiment #somatichealing #somaticpsychotherapy #movementtherapy #venus

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Men need healing too

Sep 17, 2023


When people ask me if I work with men & how it’s different or the same…

My response is that we all need the reclamation of the healthy masculine & the healthy feminine inside of us.

*We must know it there before we can know it in our relationships*

While there are fundamental differences between man / woman + masculine / feminine energy…

We all need to slow down, get into our bodies, remember our innocence + the truth of who we are, & crack open our hearts.

We all need to be felt, seen, heard.

We all need safety.

This work isn’t about gender.
And, gender plays an important part.

I’d love to hear: how’d you feel in your body when you watched this video? What’d you notice?

P.S. IN THE FLESH Mystery School - my 7 mo Facilitator Training for Somatic Sexology & Quantum Transformational Bodywork starts in December.

Over 3 virtual weekends & 4 in-person retreats (at @venusvalleyboulder!), you’ll be on a powerful...

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5 things I notice most, post explant surgery

Sep 16, 2023


5 Things I Notice Most Post Explant Surgery

1 No muscle tension or tightness - scalenes, pecs & psoas

I was in the car & put my right arm behind the passenger seat like I was gonna do an old school parallel park just to see how the stretch felt (usually v tight) & I felt ZERO stretch.

2 Improved posture / I know where my body should be in space. Clear center of gravity.

This was really affecting me & wasn’t aware until the year before surgery. Constantly trying to fix my posture & adjust myself because something didn’t real right.

3 Psychic abilities / listening + hearing has increased.

I feel like I think something..& then it appears. Be it a text from a person I was dreaming of or a diff synchronicity.

4 Clean circuitry with men. UGH such sweetness now. I’m no longer shooting bullets out my nipples when someone looks at me. I’m all me. The armor is off & so is the illusion.

5 Hugs are everything

Number 4 needs a lot...

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Coffee Enema Party!

Sep 15, 2023


If you want more freedom in your body - moving the stuck, dense energy needs to happen in EVERY domain of health.

So much of my work is about excavation & clearing out the past…

Enemas are JUST as important as getting on my/a table for an emotional release. Or doing a psychedelic journey.

Your gut is your second brain.

Responsible for 70% of your immune health.

It IS the controller for your MOOD - your neurotransmitters & cognitive function.

In the latest @trppodcast ep with my 6 mo client who’s also joining IN THE FLESH Facilitator Training - we talked about the value of working with a practitioner who actually plays with the WHOLE health of you.

I truly believe this is why my work is so transformative & how my clients make such HUGE LEAPS.

I don’t have magic powers.

I just REALLY know the body after 13 years of doing this work.

And more than anything, I want you to have the same map & keys.

We all deserve body freedom.

my *Coffee Enema...

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On the same morning of my explant surgery, I said goodbye to my partner of 2.5 years.

Sep 14, 2023


..after making the choice for our future family & the desire to feel our love without silicone in between us.

In what felt like a split second, I lost a love of my life, 9 years with implants, & took on 3 dogs + solo ownership of @venusvalleyboulder

(all while my biz IG was deactivated for 4 months)

While some young parts got loud with fear & doubt & questions of ‘CAN I FVCKING DO THIS?!’

I knew deep down…

*I was made for this*

The choice became mine…
The path became clear…

And the deeper dharma, activated.

Whatever hurdles or hardships are before you, you were made for.

You are the diamond
This is the crystallization.

Keep believing.
Keep putting one step in front of the other.

And before you know it, you’ll be in Truth.

(Edit: PSA: friends, I am so GOOD. This post is about making the impossible possible. Dreaming beyond the dream. Anchoring into your own truth. Every part of this has been just as beautiful as...

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8 things I did to prioritize to heal my body post explant surgery

Sep 13, 2023


Anyone for an UN-Barbie? No anesthesia. No drains. No lift. No fat transfer. No antibiotics. No pain meds.

NO joke ;)

This is what HEALTH looks like.

I didn’t need to change much…

Because I live this way *everyday*

Your body KNOWS how to heal when you have the right map.
Don’t let anyone scare you into anything else.

P.S. tune into @trppodcast for my full explant story!

P.P.S. enrolling for:
1 1:1 coaching + bodywork immersions at @venusvalleyboulder
2 IN THE FLESH Facilitator Training | 7 months of (4) in person retreats & (3) virtual retreats for a quantum transformation & the skills to facilitate this badass work.
Check my lastest @trppodcast for an inside scoop of what to expect.

PM me to learn more

#explantsurgery #unbarbie #breastimplants #scartissue #holisticnutrition #holisitchealth #somaticsexology

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