Take the free Erotic Blueprint™ quiz
to find out your erotic type!

Mystery School

Next round starts Fall 2023

Ready to quantum transform AND
become a somatic practitioner in the sexual healing arts?

Here’s how:

Step 1: DM me on IG, using the link at the bottom of this page,
to receive a doc with more info.

Step 2: Read through the info doc for a sneak peak into ITF:
how it works, what to expect, who it’s for,
FAQ’s, & what you’ll walk away with…
(hint: you’ll be a *whole* new human ;))

Step 3: Fill out the application by clicking the link contained in the doc.

Get super fucking excited for what’s to come.
This program will change your life.

Step 5: Wait in delicious anticipatory pleasure for an email with your next steps.