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to find out your erotic type!

1:1 Mentorship/Coaching/Bodywork

Ready for the sweetest homecoming of a lifetime? Let’s quantum transform…

Here’s how:

Step 1: Fill out the application by clicking the link below.

Step 2: Once you submit the form, a document with more information
will be sent directly to your inbox.
Please be on the lookout for an email from
[email protected]

Step 3: Read through the info doc for more information about 1:1 containers.

Please note: Julianne’s offerings are very bespoke due to the kind of work
she facilitates & the transformations she takes her clients through.
Her offerings range from 2-5 day immersions to 3,6, 12 month containers.

Step 4: Get super fucking excited for what’s to come.
This work will change your life.

Step 5: Wait in delicious anticipatory pleasure for an email with your next steps.