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Convergence: Master Your Masculine x Feminine Polarities For Increased Focus & Productivity To Achieve Your BIG Biz Goals


90 minute workshop

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Growing my biz to multiple 6 figures, has taught me a lot about the relationship between form x flow, masculine x feminine, logic x intuition, control x surrender.


These polarities have become a powerful tool for me to create more space in my life & biz, while continuing to scale my revenue, client base & product suite.


When I first took my biz fully online 3 years ago, I was a one woman team. I hit 6 figures in just over 6 months & didn’t change much when I got to that level.

In my personal life, I was doing massive reorganizing. I had just completed a somatic sexology healing program that supported me in stepping into my fullness, & as a byproduct, 4x my income.


Over the following year, I joined a mastermind to support the level of growth I was having because I honestly didn’t know what to do with that kind of expansion!


The money I had always dreamed of was flowing in, my ideal clients were filling up my calendar, & my methodology was getting deeper x wider.


The growth was happening fast!

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As I continued to step deeper & deeper into my feminine, & learn how to lead from this place, I found myself having massive resistance to structure & routine.


Because I lived all of my life in my yong (masculine) energy, this was bizarre & comical to me!


However, during those times, it was an unhealthy, even toxic, expression. It left me burnt out, with fatigued adrenals, gut & hormonal issues, suffering relationships, & an inner voice telling me I was ‘never doing enough’.


I hadn’t yet healed the relationship to my inner masculine & was flowing around directionless in my fem.


So, this kind of resistance to structure paired with not having a strong internal biz system (team, systems, management software, strategy, etc.) left me scattered & disorganized.

This turned into a consistent, unhealthy, back & forth cycle of doing & being.


I used to know this pendulum swing really well.


The story of, ‘it’s never enough’ x ‘you should be doing more’, when I took a day off… and then, ‘you need a break’ x ‘you do too much’ while working myself to the bone, was repeating over & over.


My inner masculine & feminine weren’t yet working together in harmony.


When they finally got happily married, I found my flow.


This is one of the biggest struggles I see when working with my clients in relation to a scaling biz - an unintegrated inner world, expressing itself sideways in the biz.


We work work work for a few days, burn ourselves out, & then crash crash crash.

The NUMBER ONE thing I needed to relearn…


was how to set up my days, weeks, months with healthy, yummy, erotic, deliciously infused organization & structure, while keeping my awakened feminine at the forefront of my business.


This is the >> beautiful, universal dance of yin x yong <<


The feminine is the water, the masculine is the river bank.


She brings the flowy, creative, destructive, birthing energy in her natural waves, while he holds the frame, remains flexible yet grounded, in his form.


Implementing this transmission with the tools you’ll receive in Convergence will allow these parts of yourself to seamlessly flow together. You’ll have fun again during the day, feel excited & turned on by new projects, & have MORE time, space x freedom.


Where you’re at now:


Struggling with the bounce between doing x being

Pendulum swings from low energy x motivation to high states of excitement x go go go

Finding yourself burnt out after days of overworking

Feeling resistance to structure when you need to get back to producing

Working all day, feeling ‘on’ all the time, but not getting any of the important stuff done

Filled with distractions by the small tasks (I.e. emails, social, texts, trying to get back to everyone)

Anxiety & overwhelm that lead to wanting to do nothing in an avoidant way

Unhealthy habits (i.e. stress & emotional eating, relying on substance, toxic relationships)

Cyclical seasons of trust in the process into stress of things of things not working

Feeling unbalanced in your body & life

Not having the time to create what you really want to create

Not having time for the pleasure & play you want

Feeling stuck 

Disorganization & trying to do it all yourself

Your desire:


Flow state

Increased focus & productivity

Feeling aligned with your purpose

Having the turned-on structure for ‘doing’

Feeling pleasure in your business & the day-to-day

Having more time to see your friends, family, lovers

More space for nature, travel, outings

Feeling like you’re getting everything checked off your list

Creative energy on tap when you need it

Harmony between your inner masculine x feminine

No more burn out or crashing

Balance between doing & being


What you’ll receive:


1 - Convergence will give you the **exact framework** that’s helped me continue to scale, while creating more space & freedom in my day-to-day.


2 - I’ll give you my top TEN HACKS for setting yourself up for maximum productivity WITHOUT burn out or sacrifice while leading with your feminine grace.


3 - I’ll show you how to create a yummy, erotic, deliciously infused routine that works best for YOU, your body, your energetics & your business.


Not only will you seize the day in your business, you’ll seize the free time you’ve created :)


4 - I’ll take you through one of my favorite advanced embodiment techniques to integrate these polarities deeply into your system.


This will leave you feeling W H O L E x ready for more.


5 - I’ll also be sharing secret insights I’ve uncovered in my own life recently, that have helped me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. These won’t be shared with anyone else outside of this workshop.

Convergence will allow you to master your inner masculine & feminine so you no longer feel divided  in your life or biz.

What makes this workshop different:


The Convergence framework is a seamless blend of yin x yong.


This approach is different than any other out there because it supports you on the soul line & goal line - I learned this in my spiritual psychology program & have been implementing it, in conjunction with somatic sexology philosophies & my own proven magic, with clients & my own biz for the last 3 years.


I’ve seen it wildly transform our ability to create, & our capacity to receive, because it works from the inside out.


Relaxing into flow state, in our daily work flow & bodies, is the fuel behind our next level bigness.


Julianne held the container & codes for me to know what’s possible. She’s been here, she’s moved through it, & now she’s over there. It was such a safe container to go into whatever was coming up. She created the space for me to feel so seen, heard, understood. That alone has brought me so much more compassion for myself. It’s okay to go through this as a leader & to have this work. I’m human. Sometimes its not about the practices & the tools, it's the space being held. It’s been the most incredible journey with you. Thank you for being you, and for doing the work you do.

- O


Before my work with J, I wanted to be so much more free to express my sexuality, to feel pleasure & be okay with it. But it felt like it could never happen. I didn’t know how to get there, & felt like something was wrong & broken. It felt so far away. I remember writing out those goals - like experiencing different orgasms - & I was crying as I wrote it. Now, I have a deeper connection to my pleasure & sexuality! It’s so freeing. I don’t have the pressure for it to look or be a certain way. I’ve even experienced energetic orgasms - I’ve never experienced that before in my life! But it was always possible for me.

- L


Now I have a deeper connection to my yoni. Before this, I never understood / knew my anatomy. The practices in Julianne’s programs were BIG! In the past, I felt icky-ness around pleasure. Now I know how it feels physically, energetically to connect to my yoni & listen to those feelings x sensations.

- J


Reclaiming my sexuality has brought me empowerment, fulfillment, & connection. Before I felt so disconnected, disempowered, like something’s wrong. Now I have this power. I’m connected, to my yoni, my life source, that powerful energy. It’s also brought more sensuality into my life. 

- R

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