Your wildest dreams & strongest yearnings...

Mar 18, 2023

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Your wildest dreams & strongest yearnings $ex Love & money..

have not yet come to fruition - not because you’re doing manifestation wrong - but because you’ve not yet allowed yourself to be fully felt & seen


You can only be met as deeply as you allow your heart to be known. your partner, clients or God.


The biz flys high
when you’re dripping in the truth of your pv$$y

..her unique desires & expression..

when you hold nothing back
& really let US see YOU


*That’s what showing yourself does to us*


It breaks us open

Cracked to the light of the divine


How will you show yourself today?

How will you lead with your heart & pv$$y truths?

How can you lean into the vulnerable edge just a teeny bit more..all..for the sake of love?

Shown: me being me ☀️
I don’t do idealized leadership
I won’t fit into the box
I’m not going to stand on the pedestal
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Reclaimed & on purpose. DM me ‘1:1’

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