Your whole life is the journey.

Sep 24, 2023


You are the medicine. You can make it more intentionally ceremonial at any moment. But you’re in it whether or not you drink the aya juice.

While I’m all for psychedelics, I’m actually more interested in the Medicine of the Body…

🔥 Sex & pleasure is the most EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT way (scientifically proven) to reset the nervous system 🔥

The work of Quantum Transformational Bodywork & Somatic Sexology (what you’ll be learning inside IN THE FLESH Facilitator Training🐆) drops you into this…

| the alchemy alive in your body
| the medicine of your soul voice
| the pleasure portal of your sex
| & the truth of who you are

You won’t need the medicine.

Because you’ll already be walking AS it.

P.S. ITF Mystery School starts 12/8. Ready to step into the most expanded, expressed you while becoming a Somatic Sex Coach & Bodyworker? Comment / PM ‘ITF’ & I’ll send you the info.

Btw, if you want to go real big in your journey with me - you get autoentry into ITF when you enroll in 1:1 for a 12 mos container. I only have ONE spot left for this!


50% Complete

Two Step

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