you can have a plan, but Spirit has one better

Sep 07, 2021

my love @pd215 found an Italian woman who uses Active Astrology…to tell you EXACTLY where you need to be on planet Earth for your Solar Return…to hit the goals you have set out for the upcoming year!

basically, you change the place you’ll physically BE…to set yourself up for the best planet locations, transits x aspects, according to your desires

guess what i got?


i needed to be there by Friday at exactly 12:34 pm, the day before my actual birthday…

so i set my sails for a 12 hour drive on Thursday morning

halfway there, i stopped in Moab for a quick little hike

and then...

halfway to the hike, my car got stuck in a big ol’ pile of mud :)

out of nowhere, 3 big men & a woman showed up

they pushed me out of the mud, saved the day, and i received that as a big universal redirect…

except as soon as i got back on the highway, it was shake city

& it was clear….

i wasn’t going anywhere

(those mud rocks tho…)

long story short, there was an angel of a woman in town who picked me up & brought me to the cutest hotel where i waited for my man to come get me & finish the trip


xx you can have a plan, but Spirit has one better
xx even though you’re a strong independent woman, it feels delicious to have your man save your day

oh, & i’m officially 30!

p.s. we made it in time! i had to cut my 2 week trip short & omit san diego + zion…but, i got two new wigs & my soul is set on fire

what was the biggest takeaway from your weekend?!

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