Where will your animal body take you next?

Feb 01, 2023

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A woman who knows & embodies her inner animal, isn’t separate from the earth she walks on.

She moves with its rhythms.
Breathes with its pulse.
Sways with its spins.

She is nature.

Calm yet wild.
Still yet chaotic.
Quiet yet loud.
Safe yet dangerous.
Beautiful yet ugly.
Nurturing yet destructive.
Life giving yet deathening.
Breathtaking yet heartbreaking.



Holds nothing back.

Quiets for no one or no thing.

She is both extremes,
& every sweet thing in between.

She is raw & honest.

She opens you up to the truth inside you knew was there all along..but hadn’t fully let out.

“My affirmation is working WONDERS tonight. And my asks are so specific. The response from these kiddos is like night & day. I can’t believe I had that inside me the whole time. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🤍 🤍”

..a client after working with the ANIMAL BODY PRACTICE system!

We start 2/15! DM me ‘ABP’ for info 🐆. #inneranimal #somatichealing #somatictherapy  #somaticcoach  #somatics #somaticexperiencing  #somaticsexologist #somaticsexologicalbodywork #embodiment #embodimentpractices #holisticcoach


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