When you realize there are 5 Erotic Blueprints & your entire $ex & relational life makes sense

Apr 24, 2023

Watch HERE

Real talk what happens when people come to my $EXUALLY FED workshop & learn there are basically love languages but for $exuality 😹

On average people have their first energetic org@$m & unleash their k!nk…

 “Initiating felt SO good! I walked around my house with a sense of confidence & empowerment that I just haven’t before. It’s like you handed me a dictionary with 200 more terms in it that have just like lit up this entire area of my life!”
- Ash

 “I had a full body orgasm without penetration & without my pv$$y being touched. I learned that I am energetic AF & loooove playing with my senses. I had a huge emotional release & it was incredibly healing. It was so fucking beautiful that I cried for 10 min. I can’t even express how grateful I am for you. Thank you for all you do.”
- Natasha

“ I just wanted to tell you I loved loved loved your workshop! I didn’t catch the live but even doing it via the recording was AMAZING. I learned so much about myself and really was able to realize past issues & then was even able to have a conversation with my current partner about them and wow your work is truly transformative and so important.”
- E

It’s happening this SUNDAY! 4/30 | $333 per person

Virtual & in person options @venusvalleyboulder | linktree or message me to chat ☀️♥️

#somatics #somaticcoach #somaticsexologist #somaticsexologicalbodywork #QuantumTransformation #holisticcoach #somatichealing #somatictherapy #eroticblueprintscoach #eroticblueprints #somaticsexology #embodimentcoach


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