When They Told You to Become an Independent Woman & Need No Man

Jun 01, 2021

I’m gonna say it 🤫👇🏻

Our fierce independency as women in this modern day world is beautiful


It really doesn’t leave a lot of space for partnership🤭

👉🏻Relationships are evolving
👉🏻Gender roles have changed
👉🏻& the gender binary is now a spectrum

I believe all of this...

I also believe in POLARITY & finding what feels good for YOU, in your body, & your relationships.

For me, and most of the women I meet & work with…

There’s a deep craving for a man to lead👋🏻

…a yearning to be taken care of & cared for (despite our ability & great success we’ve had in doing it on our own)

Men are the protectors & providers🦾

If we:
✔️constantly take control
✔️always provide for ourselves
✔️call the shots
✔️& tell everyone else what to do

we probably get shit DONE in life & have MAJOR conflict in relationship.

We are fighting for the top with our men🥴

And leave little space for them to come in & fulfill their sacred role.

✖️Men don’t want to compete with their women✖️

This is NOT to say men don’t like strong, successful, independent women - they do…

Please, have all of that, AND soften the shell on the outside 👏🏻

🧲From experience, with all that & a hard exterior, you’ll attract men that want to compete & control rather than honor & co-create👎🏻

Softening into your power is R E A L

» You can be both «

Time to put the sword down & stop fighting🙏🏼

LOVE S3X MEN - heal the wounds of the masculine, evoke your submissive, & open for deep intimacy x connection

…is open for application & enrollment. The doors are only open for 2 weeks!

Watch HERE


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