When someone asks for my time for free

Oct 05, 2021

i don’t have any 1:1 offerings available under 5 figures…

i went from $0 cash months + charging $1200 for my coaching…..to 30k 1:1 enrollments + a multi 6 figure biz

& those numbers keep going up…if you’re interested in working together…now’s your time to get in before it’s 40,50,60k+

BEFORE you see this as another IG coach screaming ‘MORE $ MORE $ MORE $’….

i want you to know….

i’ve had a lot of RESISTANCE in increasing my rates over the years

initially i didn’t….i scaled rather quickly

but then…..i expanded so much….that i started to BUCKLE

& i wanted to crawl in a hole….because out of nowhere….all of this fear….shame….& guilt dropped in


I WANT TO SHARE what has helped me move through those limiting beliefs & fear mongrels

the juice that has helped me CONTINUE to scale x grow….while staying in INTEGRITY to my truths & core values


that’s what creates your attraction & magnetism

*Money x Wealth Consciousness + Positioning Yourself As A 5 Figure Coach with INTEGRITY* Workshop is next Tuesday

it’s $111 through Saturday 10/9....& then it goes up to $222

if you’re interested in IN THE FLESH Mystery School...i highlyyyyy recommend joining us

come feel what i’m inviting you into💋

must DM me for the link

Watch HERE


50% Complete

Two Step

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