What high level leadership looks like

Dec 14, 2022

When we do big healing work & expand our capacity to have, and hold, to expand & contract, our reality goes through an alignment process - a process of reorganization - to bring us into congruence. 


Over & over & over again. 


The old clears out. The new finds its way in. And we, are in transition. A Cocoon. Metamorphosis. The birth canal. Death portal. Quantum transformation.  


The experiences that start occurring, the wild crazy happenings that appear in our world - the giant losses, the monumental gains - all of it is a refelection of our expansion and our body's ability to hold change... evolution & advancement on our soul line. 

I reminded a client of this truth earlier this week. When everything felt like it was crumbling & being ripped away.

‘You opened the space to hold this transformation from all the work you’ve been doing & energy you’ve moved.’

I voice noted my team on a squirrelly brain morning for a word bath & loving reflections of my magic...

‘You’ve built the capacity in your nervous system to hold this’

…my OBM voxered.

That’s why we have support.

So the contraction isn’t as heavy.
So we move through it with grace.
We remember who we are sooner.

So we not only hold, but we let ourselves be held.

Disclaimer: It’s not that we HAVE to move from ‘forgetting’

It’s not bad or wrong to be there, slow down, or pause👌🏻

AND, to me..

That’s high level leadership.
That’s high level healing.

Moving the stickiness when it appears so we don’t get stuck for long periods of time & ourSelf + our people & mission don’t go without us…..LIFE doesn’t go without us

*We still go on living*

Despite what’s happening around & within

That’s what I see as embodied leadership

Regulated leadership

Leadership from the feminine.

The spiral of becoming oneself again & again & again

Surrendering over & over & over

Letting go

& giving in


The messiness of our human experience

& the aliveness that comes from having a human body

(Missing @pd215 in this family video💗)


50% Complete

Two Step

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