we've moved out of holding busy as a badge of honor

Dec 16, 2021

now it's time to realize we don't have to be *busy* to delegate & outsource.

delegating your grocery shopping so you can have an extra 20 min in the shower with your favorite vibrator…

letting your team book your flights, @turo car, & hotel for your next getaway so you can get a massage before date night…

sending your assistant a list of gifts to order your family for the holidays so you can sit in ceremony with your plant friends🍄…

outsourcing the doggie vet check up so you can…

do nothing but danceeee around in lingerie🐆

…are all exquisitely made decisions🔥

to expand your *havingness* in life + biz

means leaning into the things society tells you is selfish

…like hiring people to do the things you for sure can do for yourself, but absolutely do not need to💰

this is one of the many ways i’ve created more wealth using plea$ure

like you’ve heard me say a ton…

you don’t need to be self sacrifice to be of service🍒

enjoying a spacious week after the first IN THE FLESH event…riding the high from being in circle for 3 days…& undeniably dreaming about my new 1:1 offerings in 2022 - i. can’t. wait.

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