THE RECLAMATION PROJECT Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis / Chronic illness & Opening up to Loving Partnership with Madelynne

Sep 12, 2023


Madelynne Rose joins Julianne on today’s episode to dive deeper into what it’s really like to work with Julianne in a 1 on 1 container. The two touch on what called Madelynne to join, their standout moments throughout her journey, and how the intimacy in Madelynne’s personal inner work has transformed her business entirely.

Madelynne Rose is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Mental and Emotional Release Therapy and Ancient Hawaiian Shamanism. She found her passion for this work after years of struggling with multiple eating disorders, anxiety, depression and then being diagnosed with the autoimmune Rheumatoid Arthritis. After being told there was no cure and nothing she could do outside of taking pharmaceuticals with loads of side effects, as too many people are after diagnosis, she decided to say F*CK THAT! and dove deep into the holistic and alternative healing world where she found herself, as well as levels of physical and mental health she could have never previously imagined.
Madelynne now guides others on their own healing journey to their most whole, authentic and liberated self. She combines cutting-edge techniques and ancient wisdom that allows people to re-wire their brain, dropping the stories of everything we’ve been conditioned to believe we should be, while also reconditioning their body to create lasting change and access to their true potential as they begin to trust their higher self to lead to way.

IG: @awakethehealerwithin 


IN THE FLESH Mystery School - An intimate, closely connected 7-month Mystery School for facilitators, coaches, and guides looking to become practitioners of Somatic Sexology, Quantum Bodywork, and Spiritual Psychology. Enrolling now for December 2023.

Ready to quantum transform & come home to your body? Book a consultation call with me by shooting me a DM or commenting below!

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