the body doesn't know time...

Apr 22, 2022

watch here


i used my somatic practices, let my animal emote, felt the depths of the rejection & grief

& turned to pleasure to alchemize the pain into purpose 💜

*I am my own mother.*

‘the mother’ archetype is one of the 4 pillars of HUMAN

at the end of our 6 months together, you will be your own mother

walking..slowly & intentionally…with both your HUMAN & Goddess a destination that your BODY knows, is in fact, the journey itself.

also..EXCITING NEWS: i got a download this morning to add a special BONUS for HUMAN enrollees

my membership (the Womb Room) will start in September - & HUMAN enrollees will get the first 3 months FREE!!! eeeeee!!!!!

i can’t wait to share space with you <3


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