That part of me feels like a teen

Jan 13, 2023

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That part of me feels like a teen.

I’ve been working with her over the years.

Embodying her, letting her be part of the conversation. Loving her!

She’s almost fully integrated. Which is why she’s been fighting. The full fledged expression before she puts down her sword.

I love showing my process here with you because I want to show you what’s possible.

And what the process & work really looks like. It’s rare for leaders to truly show what goes on!

How much attention & presence with yourself it really takes to steer the ship.

We compare ourselves to others. Looking at fluffed up life feeds.

But what’s true underneath it all, is our humanness.

And the truth of our flesh.

We all cry & bleed.

We all feel & fvck.

We all have a body that holds wisdom beyond our conscious mind.

When he grabbed my was like he grabbed the resistance & dissolved it.

He didn’t do it for me, he did it with me.

I was open & ready. My body writhing with energy & willingness.

I was ready to let it go.

So many of us want to feel free in our bodies, relationships & lives..

So many of us doing the things we’ve been told get us free

Only to discover

Incredible self awareness..

but a gaping hole in the healing journey

The exclusion of our $ex

…our primal animal body

Remembering who we really are
Coming home to our bodies
Gnosis of the self

**INCLUDES €r0tic exploration & embodiment**

We can’t leave that part out

An integral part of who we are as human beings

And a damn good path to God & Goddess

Wisdom lives in our tissue.

Everything is experienced there first.

The things that keep you up at night..the dream life you salivate over..the $€x you wish to be having…more money than you know what to do with..

All of those real true possibilities. Totally possible to be yours****

But it has to come through YOUR system as an embodied desire first

Come get the keys to your body inside
ANIMAL BODY PRACTICE. #innerchild #innerteen #embodimentpractice #embodiment #embodiedhealing #somatichealing #somaticsexologist #somaticsexology #somaticsexologicalbodywork


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