Sustainable Growth

Oct 13, 2022

Watch HERE

I see so many coaches, mothers, & biz owners juggling a mill & one things on their plate with little to no support or help

My success + time/financial freedom & the joy, liberation, embodiment you feel in me…

I hands down attribute to the support I have.

I did NOT have the money or proof sitting in my account when I hired a team.

I did NOT have 60+k sitting around for mentorship when I invested.

But underneath those excuses…

What I did have:

belief & trust in myself, the vision, & the knowing that I would NOT give up.

I needed to anchor in:

I DESERVE support.

It’s a practice of receiving..BIG LOVE!

This comes up for me (& you) at every level of expansion.

I’m feeling one myself right now because I’m craving even more support 😹 & my sweet brain is like “MORE?”


I’m a big woman. With big dreams. Big desires. Big capacity. And big needs.

Feels good to own your needs/bigness don’t it? 👅


50% Complete

Two Step

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