Self care & being a stellar space holder go hand in hand.

Oct 10, 2022

Self care & being a stellar space holder go hand in hand. We don’t have to be self sacrificing to be of service.

“I’ve learned so much from you by just watching how you utilize team.”

“You outsource everything you can to stay incredibly resourced - so you can show up for the people you love & serve.”

…a dear friend reflected to me in a meeting a few weeks ago.

I used to be the hyper independent, I’ve-got-to-do-it-all-by-myself, boss babe type of girl.

I never let anyone do anything for me.

Mainly because I didn’t trust them to show up, follow through, or be reliable.

The lack of trust masked itself in thoughts & excuses like:
> the money to pay team could be better spent elsewhere
> besides, i could do it all myself
> & i’ll probably do it better anyway.

The problem was..

I became the bottleneck & everything in my life & biz was reliant on ME.

Not sustainable or scalable.

Fast forward to where I’m at today..

I brag I am now a Master Outsourcer.

I brag I set things up so I can spend my time doing what I love, with the people I love.

I outsource EVERYthing.


I spend an average of 3-4 hours on calls a week (coaching/mentorship).

And no more than 2 hours a week on my laptop.

The rest is spent caring for my body, learning, growing & PLAYING!

“You have a TEAM that does ALL of THAT?!”


And, they do it fucking better.

They get to shine & grow.

I get to shine & grow.

We ALL get to shine & grow - together.

Let go of the ideas that owning a business has to be hard, a huge endless responsibility & that it has to be a solo project.

Ready to get inside my world & step into leadership in the $exual healing space?

Come play inside…

IN THE FLESH Mystery School - my 7 mo Somatic $ex Mystery School for pu$$Y reclamation, Quantum Transformational Bodywork, the Erotic Blueprints™ & Spiritual Psychology

Message me for the details.


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