POV: You know how to co-regulate

Apr 17, 2023

Watch HERE

LIFE is a regulation game. Keeping our nervous systems well resourced gives us more autonomy, agency & access to our true power.

What’s your favorite practice to co regulate?😻

You’ll have a GINORMOUS advantage in life if you know how to resource & regulate yourself.

But we only learn to SELF regulate through learning how to CO regulate.

This happens in early childhood WITH our caregivers.

If our caregivers are poor self regulators & don’t know how to co regulate (ex: fights with no repair, emotions not talked about or welcomed or in some cases not allowed, reactivity with no responsibility, abuse, you weren’t held or touched or told you were loved, etc.), you won’t learn those skills either.


What a relief to know it’s no one’s FAULT :)

I give you permission to forgive yourself, now.

Not that you need it, but woman, you didn’t always have these skills. And neither did your caretakers.

πŸ‘‰πŸ»Want some self/co regulation techniques + practices?

Join me in one or more of these ways:

4/20 SELF PLEASURE CIRCLE BYOW33D $50 (must PM me for the info)

4/30 $EXUALLY FED couples workshop - navigate needs, deepen intimacy, & unleash a fvck ton of play in the bedroom! $333 per person (linktree) in person AND virtual options

1:1 somatic work, hands on & hands in bodywork, trauma AND pleasure informed healing - starts at 15k

Goddess Reclamation Mastermind - relaunching this healing & expansion body truth group program, doors open in May & we start in June

#coregulation #selfregulation #nervoussystemregulation #somatics #somaticcoach #somaticsexologist #somaticsexologicalbodywork #QuantumTransformation #holisticcoach #somatichealing #somatictherapy #eroticblueprintscoach #eroticblueprints #somaticsexology #embodimentcoach


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