POV: you haven't felt your feelings & your system is scrambled AF

Jan 19, 2023

Watch the reel HERE



“I DON’T KNOW”… is a tell tale sign to get your analytical self into your animal body! πŸ˜‡

“I DON’T KNOW” … is more often than not the avoidance of a hard thing.

“I DON’T KNOW” … means “I don’t have to xyz.”

But baby girl,

You DO fvcking know.

You know DAMN well.

‘Cause I know youuuu know you trained your inner knowing TO KNOW!

So now,

It’s about FEELING..your animal body!

The “I don’t know” game is SUCH an energy leak, boo.

It’s so much EASIER to nip these in the bud than our brains tells us.

*TRY THESE PROMPTS to clear the confusion*

πŸ‘‰πŸ»“IF I DIDDDD KNOW, what would I know?”
πŸ‘‰πŸ»“If it was safe to know my truth here, what would it be?”
πŸ‘‰πŸ»“What’s the confusion feel like in my body? Sensations? Where is it? What’s the shape? How big is it? Does it have a color? How heavy? What age? Any images or memories arise? What’s the emotional quality? How strong is it on a scale of 1-10?”
πŸ‘‰πŸ»“Is there a sound for what you’re feeling here?? After the sounds - what’s left? What do you notice?? What’s true now?”

You have so totally got this.

You know?!

Come join us inside ANIMAL BODY PRACTICE to move from stuck & wobbly to in your center & inner knowing. Drop the people pleasing & the indecision to land in your clarity.

You’ll learn the somatic tools to harness your primal power & prowess in 2 phases - pt 1 FEEL, pt 2 FEED.

Message me for the details πŸ† we start mid February. #cleartheconfusion #idontknow #inneranimal #somatichealing #somatictherapy  #somaticcoach  #somatics #somaticexperiencing  #somaticsexologist #somaticsexologicalbodywork #embodiment #embodimentpractices #holisticcoach


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