POV: Someone tells me they don't receive bodywork regularly

Nov 28, 2022

Watch HERE

It’s easier over here. More fun. More pl€@$ur€. It’s not always sun shiny & rainbows. Hell no. There is the underworld & the layers & the upward spiral of learning/remembering. And the human experience that is life. Inescapable. And why would we ever want to escape it? Pain is aliveness.

It’s just easier over here because we no longer fight it. Or try to control it. It’s ‘more fun more pl€@$ur€’ because we intentionally move our attention to feeling good & claiming our p$$y desires & truths - regardless of circumstance. (Leadership) We get off on ‘what is’ because ‘it is’…& might as well get off on it 🫦

It’s ‘more fun more pl€@$ur€’ because we know how to surrender now. To be in our power now. To soften through the birth canal & transformation portal..the death cycle we know we will inevitably meet, again & again.

We are the snake women 🐍

It’s ‘easier more fun more pl€@$ur€’ because we decided we won’t let anyone or anything take it from us. Because It’s bloody ours.

Our pl€@$ur€
Your pl€@$ur€
My pl€@$ur€

We’ll *keep calm & 0r g@$m$* on all day. All day from our bottom to our top & back down through our waves, we’ll gracefully & graciously flow.

Feeding ourselves. Feeding our watchers.

Touch Contact Intimacy $ €x

P $$ y + Pl€@$ur€

…as the way to confidence, wholeness, wellness, freedom, money, knowing & love

☀️Enrolling 1:1 Mentorship/Coaching & Somatic $€xological Bodywork ….for more ease more fun more pl€@$ur€…. 👅 🐆 in 6 & 12 month containers (BOTH IN PERSON & VIRTUAL AT @Venusvalleyboulder)

Watch my live for more info 🦋. #somaticsexologicalbodywork #pleasurefirst #pussyreclamation #somatictherapy #somatichealing #sexologicalbodywork #healingtouch #healingbodyandsoul #sexualfreedom


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