Onward home..

May 07, 2021

Today, I head back to home base [Denver] after 2 months of travel, with so much gained & an equal amount released

I found that journal entry (end of reel - hold down to read) from Dec 31 ‘20 — with an intention of knowing myself outside of my biz

The ping came forward after 3 years of hard work on mySelf/biz & lots of dedication to my vision

Separating myself from the things I’ve worked so hard to attain (apartment, nice things filling my apartment, friends, community, dogs, partner, clothes, supplements, car, etc.) was activating & highly sensational

I’m grateful for a business that gives me the freedom to explore mySelf anywhere

and for the people, places & things that bring me more home to myself, through both alignment & contrast

Thank you for coming along with me on my travels 💛

I’m so excited to ground home & start a new chapter

So much to come

It’s all happening ✨

How do you relate to purpose & business? Do you link them together, keep them separate, or somewhere in between?👇🏻

[shouts to @business.monk for the perspective]



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