Once upon a time I had chronic yeast infections & UTIs…*EVERY other month*

Mar 29, 2023

Once upon a time I had chronic yeast infections & UTIs…*EVERY other month* I’d be back at the gyno in excruciating pain 😵‍💫

One day she asked me about my diet & I nearly bit her head off…

🤬 “I’m literally DYING in my v@gin@ right now & you want to ask me about my FOOD choices?”

*changes gynecologists office*

Now I LOUDLY shout gut & pelvic health

But back then at 17..

I was late night drinking & waking up with Taco Bell Gordita crunches in my bed sheets 🌮

It didn’t last

…my body can’t tolerate bullsh!t for long…

From there I went into 🌱Holistic Health Coaching, 🧘🏼‍♀️Yoga Teacher Training (Hatha / Vinyasa), taught 🥊Boxing & Kickboxing at UFC gym, 🏋🏼‍♀️Personal Training all over + Equinox, 👙bodybuilding bikini / figure competitions..

Eventually stumbled my way into Somatic $€xology, €rot!c Blueprints, Pelvic Care, Scar Tissue Remediation, k!nk & more.

I changed everything.

From eating disorders, substance abuse, steroids + PED’s, $exu@l trauma, deeeep mother/father wounds, dysfunctional family systems, abusive relationships, lots of $$ lack/scarcity, abortion, hip & knee surgery…

I will tell you over & over again:


..but it’s not going to on its OWN.

*We need to care, DEEPLY, for our bodies if we want our minds to be strong & our hearts to be open.*

We need people.
We need community.

We need to lean into love
even when it’s hard & scary.

Love heals.
Food heals.

Safety is at the root of it all.
Your body is the gateway.
And pv$$y issssss your portal.

Keep listening to her guidance.

DM me ‘1:1’ if you’re ready to dive with me & change your life & body forever. €rotic expansion awaits 🫦

P. S. CHECK LINKTREE for all april workshops virtual/in person - $QUIRT, $EXU@LLY FED, 4/20 Self Ple@$ure Circle.

#holisticcoach #holistichealthcoach #holistichealth #holistichealing #healyourbody #healyourgut #somatichealing #somaticcoach #somaticsexology #somaticsexologist #somaticsexologicalbodywork


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