Nine ways you're self sabotaging your relationships

Jun 07, 2021

1. Not advocating for yourself.

holding your voice back when somethings feels off or uncomfortable in your body .

being coy with your needs/wants/desires. This handicaps your partner.

2. sorcery

Saying the things you know will hurt them the most. 

3. Projecting old wounds onto your current partner 

grouping all men together (i.e. all men do this, this always happens) suspecting or blaming them for something your ex bf did. 

4.Holding onto grudges

this keeps the repair work form being done, and can often end up in an emotional outburst. It takes you out of the 'team' mentality and into battle . 

5. Emasculating your partner/being overly critical

thinking you know what is best for them & constantly calling the shots/telling them what to do. Feels like cuddling up next to a porcupine.

6. Talking smack about them to your friends. 

Asking for support outside your relationship is different than complaining & talking poorly about your partner. 

7. Doing everything yourself instead of allowing them the space to learn

this pushes you into caretaker role instead of partner role. It doesn't help them or you. 

8. being unclear in your boundaries (i.e. not setting them, or setting them but not following through)

This confuses you and your partner/s. For there to be order, there needs to be clear agreements.

9. Unrealistic expectations

Thinking your partner owes you something, or vice versa. Thinking you and your partner need to be everything for each other (subconscious mind included)

It can't be different until YOU are different.

It’s not about the person coming into your life, it’s about the person YOU are being.

How liberating ;)

Not feeling worthy or good enough for a loving healthy partnership is usually at the core of our self sabotage

We protect ourselves from getting hurt by doing the hurt before they can do it to us


We keep settling for the same crappy partners because we don’t feel deserving of the good one that totally just asked for our number

(ego says they’re too boring, too vanilla, they’re not my type, etc.)

Doing this keeps getting you into trouble & has you repeating patterns because your feminine yearning for partnership has you settling for people that are just straight up not good for you.

You keep getting stuck on the edge of doing the work but not really doing the work to change it.

Nothing changes unless YOU change.

And let me tell you, YOU can change it!!!

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