my Highest Goddess led me here

Feb 28, 2022

watch HERE

it feels like a really strong layer of protection is being taken off with this knee surgery.

not by choice, but by chance.

and, i know i’m ready because the path has presented itself.

my Highest Goddess led me here.

i’m getting the opportunity to rewrite the story with movement & fitness.

…to go on a new, intimate journey with my body.

it’s an honor.

and, i’ve been so fucking scared to let go.

to give this up.
to release this part of me.
this part that has created such beautiful protection.

what if it doesn’t come back?
what if it looks different?

(oh, but what if it does?…different x evolved)

this layer, off…

feels vulnerable.

this layer, off…

(also) brings excitement.

for the new.
for the next.

for the wiser, softer me.

both exist.
both realities alive in my body.

i meet myself, here.

i meet the grief.
i meet the sorrow.
i meet the pain.
i meet the fear.

i meet myself, here.

i be..with my humanness.

over..& over..again.

trusting my path.
trusting the timing.
trusting the change.

trusting..the Goddess.


i am eternally held

by the Cosmic Mother & Father✨


50% Complete

Two Step

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