My favorite goddess activating mantras

May 07, 2021


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The more pleasure I have, the more money I make.

Be so devoted to your desires, you settle for nothing less.

I give & receive love effortlessly.

I own my power & speak my truth.

My body is trustable.

I receive pleasure & abundance easily.

I am connected to my highest knowing.

I love & accept my messiness.

My emotions & sensitivity are my superpowers.

I can be whoever the fuck I want.


There are only FOUR ways to shut off the frontal cortex (fear center)...

Plant medicine
& Orgasms 🙀

This is why mantras & affirmations are the magic sauce in my somatic sexology practice!

When you’re in a state of climax, speak the words you want to be your truth.

The louder, the better😼

Tip: choose mantras that feel a little activating, ones that don’t totally feel like truth yet.

Work with them in your solo pleasure practices & partner play!

How do you S3X MAGIC 🪄 ?👇🏻

P.S. we’ll be playing with s3x magic in my upcoming workshop *Calling In Your Ideal Partners x Lovers* Workshop on 5/29!

& OOF do the spells get powerful with a room of intoxicating creatrix’s🌹


50% Complete

Two Step

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