Judging yourself and journal prompts to move it

Feb 04, 2023

I had a big death in 2022 & I’m living the rebirth.

I found myself whispering this to myself the other day as I noticed myself comparing my rebirth to someone else’s.

‘Why do I feel like hers is better?’
‘What am I projecting onto her?’

In that moment, I quickly realized I was externalizing the way I wanted to feel but wasn’t allowing.

..fully reborn, deeply integrated lessons, feeling more whole & happy, fulfilled, weightless, light, on purpose - gnosis.

Soon as I said it out-loud, I was like

“oh…but wait I DID do that”

“I did that & I did it really well & deeply!”


I felt around in myself & noticed that all that was left was judgement..

A voice that said “well..if you were betterrrrrr it wouldn’t have happened in the first place πŸ’πŸΌ‍♀️”

It made me giggle 🀭

Because I knew who’s voice that was..


Life is about the journey not the destination.

I stood up taller.

More proud & true.

And went on with my day, in gratitude for the lesson.

This is what happens when you’re connected to your animal.

You feel, you process, you return to truth, you create.

Let me be clear…

your insecurities, worries & fears don’t ever go away, you just become a better handler & mistress of your own body mind.

How different would your world be with these tools? How much time would you save? How much more freedom to be YOU would you feel? How would it expand your business?

ANIMAL BODY PRACTICE starts 2/15 - join the pack for fierce love, accountability & a badass(er) lioness on the other side πŸ†. #selfjudgement #selfcriticism #comparison #inneranimal #somatichealing #somatictherapy  #somaticcoach  #somatics #somaticexperiencing  #somaticsexologist #somaticsexologicalbodywork #embodiment #embodimentpractices #holisticcoach


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