i've never had the capital just sitting there in my bank account

Nov 27, 2021

i've never had the capital just sitting there in my bank account when i've invested in my biggest masterminds, programs & coaches.

& i reallyyyyyyy wanna bust through any illusions that say you 'have to'....or ...you 'should'

in 2020 ...at the start of the pandemic ...i laid out 30k for a *Sex x Business Mastermind*

i ad no dea what the mastermind was going to include (lolol)...other than 3 calls a month + two in person events

at the start of a global pandemic.... 

i decided to spend 30k LOL

i didn't have the CASH to PIF

but the deal was: 30k PIF or 36K split inot payments


i could have had a million stories pop up that said:

*"you should have it in the bank first"

*"this is so irresponsible"

*"the economy is dipping"

*"you're a multi-6 fig entrepreneur you should be able to PIF"

& actually ...those stories DID pop up i just said "f you" to the voices

i decided... i'd rather MAX OUT my cc's & PIF - because i trust in myself enough to be able to pay it off in less than 6 months.

meaning...i'd pay some interest, nut i'd save 6k.

i got to that decision from the COMMITMENT to my vision

my thoughts were:

*"there is no doubt i can make this back"

* "there is no way this won't happen... bc Pussy led me here"

* " this will happen because i know what i can create"

i applied for an SBA loan upped my credit limit

& paid in full

fast forward, it was one of the best decisions i made that year!

i got the opportunity to work up close with Jaiya (you've probably seen her on Sex, Love, & Goop on Netflix)

& be part of the Erotic Blueprint Master Coach Program

i've also had the honor to be a pod leader in out current community mastermind

...none of which would have happened if i didn't answer the call to MORE

i[ trusted the leader inside of me...that led me to this leader i deeply trusted

& i paid it off in less than 4 months 💃🏼

💴 when it comes to investing & playing the money game…

you have to realize, like reallyyyy realize….that you’ve always had ENOUGH.

you’ve ALWAYS been taken care of.

& there’s always been enough to survive.

even at the 5/6 figure levels, i hear coaches say…

💭 “i’m nervous about not making enough money this month….i still need to be able to pay my bills”

(i’ve said this myself)

but this kind of fear….from where i sit….(because i see it in myself)….is OLD

it’s an OLD ass fear back from when i/you weren’t in the secure position i am now

& it’s a FEAR based in “OMG this level is SO BIG what if it all goes AWAY”

it feels like a real fear…& sure, anything can happen

but i bet it’s pretty nonsensical & won’t ever happen...or…be your FOREVER & EVER situation until the day you die

get what i’m saying here?

i would drain my bank account over & over again for this work…..for myself….for my pleasure…..for this life of freedom x purpose

how much are youuuu willing to put on the line for your soul’s purpose x dreams?

ready to chat about IN THE FLESH Mystery School? shoot me a message for support 💛

Can you guess which Erotic Blueprint i'm playing in?

Watch HERE


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