i don't have time for pleasure or self care

Oct 03, 2022

Client: I don’t have time for plea$ure or self care. Me: Let’s play with this! (gets consent from client)


Me: One of the ways I like to game-ify this… Add self care + plea$ure into the ACTions that are ALREADY automatic in your world. Client: Ooohhh. Keep going.


Me: Tell me one thing you do every single day. Client: Brush my teeth.


Me: Awesome. If you so choose, what could be one thing you add to that ritual that would have you feel connected to your heart & $ex? Client: Stand in front of the mirror, look into my eyes & ask: what does my intuition want me to know today?


Me: Bam. Big pu$$y energy.


We did this for 3 rounds. Nailed down the new action steps. Made sure they lit her up & felt like a ‘f*$# yes’.


Who you want to be is ALREADY inside of who you ARE.

We just have to merge them.

And start BEhaving & ACTing according to the next iteration of ME/WE.

It’s really that simple.

I brag I love when clients give me obstacles & challenges. I brag I’m a resistance chopping ninja. I brag the vagenius of my brain/body (but mostly my 11+ years of experience) & the way she knows what will work for the right client, at the right time - & if she doesn’t, she knows how to handle that too - because being right or knowing best is not the win ;)

Will you (please :P)) use this idea for yourself & clients? Tell me how below!

P.S. Her other two were: connection to ancestors at tea time & self-love body massage when she does her nighttime skincare…in case you want to use them for inspiration!

P.P.S. be sure to get your IN THE FLESH Mystery School applications in by Friday’s review! My DMs are open for inquiry.


50% Complete

Two Step

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