Entrepreneurship, ‘working’ on vacation, launching in Costa Rica, feminine business vs sacrifice…

Feb 02, 2023

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Entrepreneurship, ‘working’ on vacation, launching in Costa Rica, feminine business vs sacrifice…

Everyday of this trip, I’ve been looking over at P & saying..

‘HOLY F! 2 years ago we were traveling through Costa bouncing from hostel to hostel. Now, we just bought a 1.5 mil house @venusvalleyboulder less than 3 mos ago & are back here this time in a boujee airbnb.’

This is our life.
This is what we’ve chosen & created.

Expansion happens when you’re committed to the vision.

When you keep your eyes & heart on the vision. When you match your frequency to your desires.

…and you settle for NOTHING less 💫


Let me teach you the somatic tools & frameworks that have supported me in making these BIG EXPANSIONS - while holding & handling all that comes with these high havingness levels.

PM me for the info & enrollment link. It’s not listed anywhere 😽

P.S. when you are in my 1:1 VENUS Packages, you get ALL my LIVE programs included! #femaleentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurship #entrepreneurship #inneranimal #somatichealing #somatictherapy  #somaticcoach  #somatics #somaticexperiencing  #somaticsexologist #somaticsexologicalbodywork #embodiment #embodimentpractices #holisticcoach


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