Boundaries are expressions of love...

May 20, 2021

I used to say, ‘I love too hard & it gets me into trouble.’

But loving from a Whole Heart
won’t lead you into situations
where you self sacrifice & self abandon

This idea that I loved too hard & it got too dangerous, made me close my heart

Except it didn’t have to do with:

✖️ the bigness of my love or
✖️the size of my heart.

It had to do with WHO
I was choosing to give it to.

Boundaries are expressions of love...

✔️‘This is how I want to be loved’
✔️’This is what feels good to me’
✔️’This is what doesn’t feel good to me - & when something doesn’t feel good, I tend to close off & I don’t want to do that with you’
✔️‘Are you open to loving me this way?’


Your people want to know how to love you!

They want you to feel good & be happy!

Boundaries make that possible👏🏻

***Calling In Your Ideal Partners x Lovers*** workshop is on 5/29!

I’ll be guiding you through a cleansing ritual, & potent 5 step process, & sending you off with a s3xy s3x magic ritual to 10x your magnetism for the relationships you’re calling in.

We’ll be diving into boundaries - your ‘yes’ & ‘no’s’, what you are & are not available for & much more!

Comment ‘more’ if you’d like the info 🐆

Watch here.


50% Complete

Two Step

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