Are you (or your client) stuck in a place of FEAR?

Oct 08, 2022

Are you (or your client) stuck in a place of FEAR? a Trauma AND Pleasure informed, Somatic Sexologist’s recommendation…

Try the following practice: & if it speaks to you, save it for future use!

Set a timer for 20 minutes. In your journal, ask yourself over & over again:

Part 1: Tell me something about fear & ___________. (fill in the blank with the issue/topic at hand) Part 2: Tell me the TRUTH of that fear. (this is basically a reframing step)

EXAMPLE: Part 1: Tell me something about fear & ‘being a mom’. Response: I don’t want to pass down the feeling that you need to show up in a specific way to be accepted. Part 2: Tell me the truth of that fear. Response: The truth is, I want my child to know the more authentic they are, the more true love they’ll receive.

Avoiding emotions by ignoring they’re there - like not talking about them AND especially not *feeling* them - creates dis-ease & illness in the body.

This truth is no longer an OPTION to believe.

It IS the truth of our HUMAN EXPERIENCE.

People are dying because of this avoidance.

It’s not an exaggeration.

Fear, like every emotion, lives in the body & brain.

When we recognize fear, through a perceived threat (actuality of the threat is irrelevant), it sets off a chain of events in your system.

Your amygdala, the middle part of your brain, tells your nervous system - “HEY, WE’RE UNSAFE’

This causes stress hormones like adrenaline & cortisol to release. Which causes your blood pressure to rise & your heart rate to increase.

This is a protective, intelligent trauma response.

When we feel like we’re unsafe, living under a threat, & in stuck FEAR - we are living in survival mode.

There’s many ways to heal our nervous system.

I’ve found the most powerful ones to be a combination of a body based wisdom approach with psychosomatic practices.

Ready to learn, embody & teach them?


a 7 month Mystery School for facilitators & coaches who are looking to become practitioners of Somatic Sexology, Quantum Transformational Bodywork & Spiritual Psychology

a trauma AND pleasure informed approach to $exual healing, nervous system regulation, & embodiment

for the details IG would kick me off for, DM me - I’ll send you a detailed description of what to expect & how to know if it’s for YOU!


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