Ain’t nothing wrong with a tinder booty call, except maybe when you know it’s not for your Highest Good

May 22, 2021

Ain’t nothing wrong with a tinder booty call 💁🏼‍♀️ except maybe when you know it’s not for your Highest Good 🤦🏼‍♀️👇🏻


❌Out of integrity
❌Breaking boundaries
❌Filling a void
❌Looking for love in all the wrong places
❌Avoidance // distraction
❌External Validation

☝🏻Not ways wounds heal

Before any self judgement comes in or you feel triggered & think I’m the bad girl or try to justify the times you’ve done this

Be honest with yourself & know you’re here to evolve your soul & take the trigger as an invitation

If you’re in a cycle like this, I hope you know the love you deserve!

It’s SO big & wide & deep & beautiful 🥺

The time between where you are now & when you receive it, will probably be filled with many dark nights of the soul

And every single one of them will be worth it 🎉

For a step my step process to support yourSelf in ending the cycle, check out my reel about “unhappily jumping”

For a deeper dive, come play with us this Saturday 5/29 for ***Calling In Your Ideal Partners & Lovers*** Workshop!💜

Watch Here

May 22, 2021


50% Complete

Two Step

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