Things manifest differently when you take your wildest dreams seriously

Mar 06, 2023

When I started my biz 12 yrs ago & building my brand in ’14

..quite a few delicious rebrands ever since -

(totally check the ABOUT ME on my new site - it’s a super fun timeline!)

my strongest quality…the reason I grew to multiple 6 figures in 6 months…

the way I was able to juggle so many projects & programs & offers & launches & clients…

(& continue to)

plus love & friendship, healing & trainings, retreats & immersions, etc.

*The thing that allowed me to scale faster than other brands & coaches*

was & is - my UNWAVERING belief.

You have to take yourself & your dreams wildly serious.

You have to LIVE as the woman who already is.

You have to see the evidence of it all on its way regardless of the sh!t/storm or rainbow around you.

Day in & day out.

Your job is to believe.

Your job is to keep moving.



How would you be playing, living, loving, working - if you were taking your next level wildest dreams seriously?

Would you be claiming your big money goals for this year PUBLICLY?

Would you be expanding your support system because you know you’re about to have high volume coming in?

Would you be showing up for dates & partnership differently?

Would you care more for your body & your health?

If you were taking it 100% seriously, & you KNEW it would happen, regardless of timeline - what would you be doing right fvcking now?!

P.S. Ready to quantum transform? Enrolling for high level 1:1 immersions - VENUS VENTURE + VENUS VOYAGE ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ (details on story & inbox!)

๐Ÿ†Other ways to work with me:

โœจ€rotic Blueprint Immersive Experience on 3/12 w/ & @hey_birdie_co at @pachahouse_denver

First ever Self Ple@$ure Circle at @venusvalleyboulder is happening 3/16 ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

Message me to claim your spot!

#somatics #somaticcoach #somaticsexologist #somaticsexologicalbodywork #QuantumTransformation #holisticcoach #somatichealing #somatictherapy #eroticblueprintscoach #eroticblueprints #somaticsexology #embodimentcoach


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