🚨there’s a fucking PROBLEM here🚨

Sep 15, 2021

“unworthy of motherhood”

one of the *many* reasons women don’t reclaim their sexuality is because they are afraid of THIS.

…being attacked, rejected, abandoned
…their closest friends cutting them out
…partners calling them names
…the church turning their back

all due to the fucked up misconception of what it means to be a sexually liberated woman.

my insides boil when i read these comments.
i want to go to war when i hear these things.

not for me.

& not because i want to fight, nevertheless in a war against ignorance.

but because i know just how many women are out there, right now, SUFFERING because of THIS.

sister, i fight for you everyday.

& i KNOW you’re fighting for me.

we fight the patriarchy & support the REBELLION every time we feel the fear & do it anyway.

every time we want to close but choose to OPEN.

every time we have an ORGA$M.
every time we make a dollar.
every time we RISE in our work.
every time we SPEAK our truth.

every time we fucking breathe & feel PLEASURE we are fighting for each other & the Rebellion.

i am fighting for YOU through MY body because WE. are. NOT. separate.

when ONE is liberated, ALL are liberated.

MY pleasure, IS your pleasure.

sisters, friends…my fellow warrior goddesses…

we need you in your fullness.
it’s not just about you.
it’s about EVERYONE.

đź’Ą MY IG got TAKEN DOWN for 2 months when those hate comments came rolling in…

not because i reported them — but because THEY reported ME‼️

…for making free, valuable content about sexual liberation & freedom in our bodies.

🚨there’s a fucking PROBLEM here🚨

and FORTUNATELY ain’t no one here to save us — not even IG.


we won’t go to war for just ourselves — but we’ll damn well go for the collective.

so my ask of you is to RISE.

rise UP.

rise against the fear.
rise against the resistance.

get involved in the things that scare you.
put yourself in spaces that stretch you.
hire people that trigger your smallness so you have to GROW.

…each & every fucking one of us.

you’re not alone in your cause, even if it looks a little different than mine.

you are so fucking worthy.
…no matter how/who/when you FUCK.

i LOVE you, deeply

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