Take a 1,000 naked pictures of yourself

Oct 19, 2022

 Watch HERE

This is me. I am my body as much as I am not. I want to show her off, this body.

Not to win your attention or your approval. Not because of what she looks like through your lens of sexy or not sexy. Although she looks damn good…

But because she’s my most prized possession. Because of the way she feels from the inside out & the outside in.

Because of how hard I have worked on her & in her & with her.

She is my vessel. In which I have journeyed my whole life. In which she has been my outlet, my trophy, my punching bag & my best friend.

My body & I have a long deep special history together. I know this is the only time I’ll get to be with her, no matter how many times my soul has been here or will return.

It’s the only time I get to be with this body, her.

So I cherish her. Feed her only the most nourishing foods & juices. Only the finest cacao & medicines.
Adorn her with tapestries & paint from artists all over the world.
Bathe her in her favorite salts, pet her with her favorite oils.
Move in the most delicious of ways.

I show her the beauty of this land through our travel. I take her to the depths of her beingness through her fleshy skin so she can feel every part of what this realm feels like.

She is me & I am her.

Don’t separate her from my heart.
Don’t see this body as something separate from my spirit. Or anything less than a sacred channel.
Don’t tell me what I can & cannot show as a leader.

My body is the temple.
My day is the ritual.
My life is the ceremony.

And my pu$$y, well she’s there altar.

& no…I do not have an 0 F ✌🏻

…I have a 7 month Mystery School called IN THE FLESH that takes women into the soul & truth of their body - a reclamation journey that will transform your live forever ❤️‍🔥

We review apps every Friday & you can get details by messaging me! Can’t wait to chat 😽

#somaticsexology #bodybuilding #hormonehealth #guthealing #intuitiveeating #divinefeminine #fempreneur #feminineleadership #feminineenergy #spiritualpsychology #healingtrauma #scartissue #tranformation #bodyimage #mysteryschool #truthseeker #embodimentpractice #embodimentcoach #eroticblueprint #dancingqueen #queendom #freedomofexpression #selfexpression


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