Lessons from investing 93.5k in personal & business support, coaching mentorship, & bodywork containers

Jan 01, 2023

I love how launches evolve me..deeper..into the very thing I’m teaching. Here I am finding & landing in deeper congruence with me. And you. In this.

Sharing numbers.

Oohh. Kinda feels edgy & hot!

To share my spending when everyone’s sharing their revenue 😹

But fuck do I love spending! And it would be really incongruent of me to not own & share that.

Because most of my lessons in 2023 were with money! A love affair we had…

As I said yesterday…

πŸ’ŽMaking decisions from a place of congruency changes the gameπŸ’Ž

Decisions with an aligned ‘come from’ taste different.

Congruent decisions change the ENTIRE experience.

Your actions are *aligned* rather than forced or tied to an outcome..


What resonates here? What questions do you have? You can share with me below

Come join me next Saturday 1/7 for CONGRUENCE

IT’S THE LAST DAY TO GET IN AT $111β˜€οΈπŸ’¦πŸ«¦πŸ¦‹


50% Complete

Two Step

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