I tried really hard for awhile to grow & scale, without the supportive masculine form.

Mar 31, 2021

I held a lot of resentment in my body towards routine & structure.

It was a mirror of the internal resentment I was holding towards (1) men, & (2) the rejection of the goodness, & the need for, masculine energy (& also good men) in my life.

I was hell bent on not integrating form🀭

I tried & tried, but it kept getting harder & harder

I name this here because it was an integral part of my biz journey

My stubborn refusal to bring in my inner father, brother, lover, friend...

He who teaches how to befriend the Self, first & foremost, & then organically, everyone else

(Maps to Ecstasy by Gabrielle Roth is a great read for this)

We grow far when we integrate these polarities

…yin x yong…

It’s the dance of the universe

And integration comes from the Latin word integrare meaning, “make whole”.

Create freedom in your body x biz & harmonize your masc & fem to level the f up in biz x bed x bank with the proven Blissness & Pleasure Method.

Enrollment doors close Friday 4/2!

P.S. want a taste of the B x P proven methodology? Watch the Convergence masterclass for $55 at juliannevaccaro.com/convergence. It’ll set you up with a sexy framework & an advanced embodiment technique to hold over until B x P starts 😽


50% Complete

Two Step

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